The trades of the sea in modern Barcelona (XVIth-XVIIth centuries) Family and society

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Alfredo Chamorro Esteban


Barcelona, sea, trades of the sea, fisherman, sailor and shipbuilder


It’s not possible understand de history of the city of Barcelona without taking into account its relationship with the sea. However, often historiography has not paid adequated attention to the maritime orientation of the city, specially in modern times.  This has led to a good part of the city’s population, which ha dits livelihood at sea, to be forgotten in historical discourse. This study aims to recover for the memory of the city the people who lived from the sea. This people exerciced trades of this mèdium such as fishermen, sailors, shipbuildingmen or calafates. All of them, together with their famílies made up the seafarers of Barcelona, who contributed to the identity formation of the city and its inhabitants.


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